Part 1: Programming Basis
(Written using a WebTV "new" Classic)

The development of JavaScript (also known as JScript and subsequently now as simply JS) in this tutorial will try to introduce JS to those who are familiar with an editorial language such as HTML but may not have experience with a compiler language such as BASIC or FORTRAN in any of their levels.

An editorial language like HTML enables document formatting of images and text and a choice of font or page colors and font sizes, but can do little else. It cannot manipulate in any way what is entered, the only action being to direct a link to an outside server and to receive a return from that server either of a page or of the outcome of processing, as with counters, timers, or forms. In contrast, a compiler language requires its code to be enabled by a processor and whatever is entered can be manipulated, e.g. calculations or alphabetization can be done. JS is an intermediate language. It does not require a compiler to perform processing but can be placed directly on an HTML-coded document and the results incorporated into that document. No outside server has to be relied upon.

Many concepts employed in JS are common or at least parallel to those in compiler languages so it is convenient to develop JS initially in the same way as may be done for a compiler language to introduce these concepts. In this way those unfamiliar with programming of any sort can gain a foundation, while those who have programmed can see the similarities but this time using a JS notation.