Gradcolor means Gradient Color. One color that gradiates smoothly into another color. The gradcolor attribute is added to table, tr, and td tags to get this effect. it is an MSNTV-only effect. Computers have different ways of creating gradient colors. Gradcolor is always used with a bgcolor and a gradangle attribute. Below are examples.

The table tag: bgcolor="black" gradcolor="white" gradangle="0"

The td tag: bgcolor="red" gradcolor="yellow" gradangle="45"

BELOW: The table tag: bgcolor="cornflowerblue" gradcolor="aquamarine" gradangle="90"

The td tag: bgcolor="white" gradcolor="#99ff99" gradangle="90"
The td tag: bgcolor="#99ff99" gradcolor="white" gradangle="90"

For more information about gradangles, please click on Gradangles: Which Way Do the Colors Go?

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